W E L C O M E ~
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Hello everyone!
co-creator, co-designer, & co-owner of
(JESUS is the Creator, Designer & Owner of all things)
I got this name from my Craft Shop back in
Ashland, Kentucky when I had it, back in 1987.
The reason I named my craft shop by that name, is
because my husband made all of the beautiful
wooden crafts and I hand painted them myself;
and since I couldn't do any two "exactly" alike,
I called my shop very appropriately,
a week!
Some people have spent more than 2 hours in here and still did not finish seeing it all!
I guess you could say it is like the little pink bunny; it keeps going and going and going!
A smile is the same in every language. Why not pass them around?
"It takes less muscles to "smile" :) than it does to "frown" :(
So take a "SMILE" and pass it around; it makes people wonder what you've been up to! *S*
Come see Cindy Bauer book sites.
Author of several wonderful Christian fiction books!
Here are here first two books in the Memory Box Trilogy
Be sure to see/buy the third exciting book of Memory Box Trilogy at
Lulu.com or on Amazon. Cindy has done all of my editing for my books and she is a great friend, too!
She did the covers for many of my books such as
Quincy & Quigley, A Strange Day At The Zoo, Heavenly Hannah's Little Black Hat
and Pandora's Incredible Journey!
and her brother, Michael Cassman, did the cover for my second edition of
"My First 24 Hours In Hell".
It can be found on my book pages too! Come see, buy, read and I know you will enjoy!
"A friendship is something Special "
Whether we were friends for a day, a week, a month or for years.
It makes no difference, for in some small way YOU brought something
very special into MY life, and perhaps I, in some small way, gave
something to YOUR heart. A good Friendship doesn't mean a lifetime,
sometimes; but perhaps it means just
"something special and forever that someone gives into yours". (K. S.) ©
GOD bless and keep each of us in HIS care always.
And may each New Year be safe and blessed for all of us and may the Prince of Peace
shed HIS peace & love in our heart. Be safe in HIS love always. Katie
Me and my Johnny-Fedora above.
Love forever; until the day after Eternity & Forever!
Every Year!
Could this be the "set time" that GOD spoke of in HIS word?
Be ready, for at an hour when you think not, the KING will come!
"Let them that are righteous, be righteous still and let them that are wicked, be wicked still."
With the economy crises and stock-market plunge, wars, starvation, rumors of more wars, wicked,
wild and freaky weather, the quickly melting shelves of Antarctica; while others have severe drought
and heat. With so many of these catastrophic happenings in every part of the world,
who is to say that the very next breath will not take us all out into eternity
to meet the one true GOD? I want to be ready to meet HIM, don't you?
May this year & every year be the most blessed and Peaceful for all of humanity.
May everyone come to know the "TRUTH" and let the "TRUTH" set them free!
The Happiest of New Year's to all of my Family and Friends;
and to all who enter these pages of love and friendship. Katie
"GOD bless us everyone". (quote from Tiny Tim--A Christmas Carol)
Friends & Family & Autumn Collage pics
Please visit the Hunger Site at:
And the Animal Rescue site at:
By going here and clicking on the "Feed the hungry" Button,
you will help feed many hungry people from all over the world and
also feed and shelter our little four legged friends/homeless animals!
Also to buy goods from their stores you donate cups of food for them too!
Some NEW Friends Collage Pages
GOD bless each and everyone of you is my prayer for now and always. PLEASE take time to read as much as possible!
\0/ P. T. L.
* http://www.jnksansone.com/KATIES_BOOK_DEN.html *
My brother has a wonderful Christian-fiction book out!
Check it out or BUY a copy on Barnes & Noble and Amazon Books!
The Cursed Race
by Alton B. Oliver
most of these pages you will find
so there are no distractions on your mind.
I added a little music on a few pages! This one first off!
Silence is Golden too! So if you prefer the silence to the noise
and you don't want to hear it, there is always a "mute" button for you! *S*
But if you want
to hum
a little
to yourself, go for it!
I guess "you can please SOME of the people, SOME of the time, or ALL of the people SOME
of the time, but you can't please ALL the people ALL the time"! I'm not GOD, ya know? A little saying goes like this:
"There are TWO truths in this world. 1. There is a GOD. 2. And WE ain't HIM!"
Thanks so much & have a grand time
flitting from page to page! GOD bless! J & K
Below are excerpts of stories from my newest book:
* My Life Journal (From My Heart To Yours *
* http://www.jnksansone.com/MOTHER_MINE.html *
* A Collage of 20 Years with Johnny & Katie *
* Getting to know me! Me & mine *
The prayer line to GOD is
Click to donate a Bible here! Let's all make the "devil as mad as hell"!
And believe, you, me, hell is really a MAD place to spend eternity!
Get this straight in your head and KNOW this one thing
(as well as YOU know YOUR own name) and if you take
nothing else from this site, take this knowledge that
HELL is an entity, a living thing,
and she does get really angry when we spurn her ideas and walk in the path that JESUS wants us to go.
I'm "radically saved" just as JESUS was considered to be a "Radical in HIS day"!
CLICK on picture
to see
WINTER 2004 &
Never forget
See the face in the smoke, of the one behind it all!
Only 292 full bodies were recovered,
according to families of the victims.
Out of the 2,749 office workers, rescuers and
others killed after two jetliners flew into
the twin towers and caused their collapse.
Here are the passengers of Flight 93.
COME SEE --->-2001-911 - 9-11-2010.
GOD bless the country's "heroes" of that day 9 years ago.
Such a tragic event! Never forget this America!
We must win the fight against terrorism! These never "give up", and neither should we!
It can happen again in our near future, and we must be ready! (Jan. 31, 2007)
Summer Collage of Family & Friends
Some things that might be of interest!
*No Guest-Books to sign*
I have deleted all of my Guest-books! Some people "DO NOT" know how to be polite.
or to use them in the way that they are to be used.
Now have music on Steve's page! big *S*
Poems and certain stories are not my own, unless so stated and credit given.
This Background & other images and Bars & misc. animations are from FREE GRAPHICS on the web at:
Other graphics, pics, and articles are my own:
My whole site was born on this day! This page was first printed & designed on Jan. 21, 2005
by Katie
Backgrounds & Graphics on these pages are by me and
a few from Free Graphics on the web, unless otherwise specified.
Precious Moments frame by
of Terri's Treasures at
(site is now closed)
PRAY for my sweet niece, she needs deep healing that only GOD can handle.
Last update of 2005: Dec. 30-31
Last update of 2006: Dec. 30, 2006
New Update: Jan. 27, 2007
Last Update in 2007: Dec. 11-12, 2007
Latest update of 2008:
Dec. 31-2008 NEW YEARS EVE
April 6, 2011 (11-19-11)
Today is my son's 43rd Birthday. He has had his last 23 1/2 yrs. in Heaven)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! I love & miss you with all my heart.
May 20, 2010, my sweet SARA went to Rainbow Bridge to be with all of my other doggies. My heart is broken now, but I know that some day I will see her again as I enter into my rest and together we will cross Rainbow Bridge and enter our CREATOR'S great Heaven. (5-23-10)
~ If Tears Could Build A Stairway ~
If tears could build a stairway
and memories were a lane
We would walk right up to heaven
And bring you back again.
No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why
Our hearts still ache in sadness
and secret tears still flow
But now we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store
Since you'll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A cherished place within our heart
Is where you'll always stay
Author: Unknown
CHECK BACK SOON as I try to update often!
Updated: 4-7-2017
Always REFRESH your computer so you will get the latest additions!
This song is all of my loved ones who have gone on before me and forever includes my beloved animals too.
My sweet SARA, my heart's love, my "soul-fur-mate-", my fur-baby-girl, my best friend, who loved me unconditionally.
I love you always & forever, "Mommy"
"Time In A Bottle"
If I
could save Time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'til Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
Song Lyrics: "Time In A Bottle"
Recorded by: "Jim Croce"
Written by: (Jim Croce)
Album: "You Don't Mess Around With Jim" - 1972
Book covers of Cindy Bauer's books were copied off the web.
Background music: Thanks For The Memories (song recorded by Bob Hope)
All ideas, lessons, stories, and otherwise personal statements made on here are my own
and should have no bearing on what others might think, say, do, or how they react to articles written herein.
Freedom of speech and thought are part of our beloved country, here in America, so I am just exercising my constitutional rights to
"freedom of speech" as everyone living in this blessed country and the land of the free has a right to do.