~~ Winter Is Here ~~
Spring has come and
Summer is gone.
And Autumn has fallen by.
Winter has set in for it's
long, cold days.
Now we wait once more for Spring again.
As we stay indoors and sigh.
Violets are blue and
the Roses are red.
And I'd much rather
have Spring instead!
Winter blues chase away all the merry thoughts
that used to play and dance
through my mind, as the days went by.
With their sunny smiles, they would
greet me and with warm thoughts
of long days, filled with play time with kids
in the yard and warm summer nights
that waited longingly for my company.
But alas, now Winter has woven her cold
fingers into the hearts of our being and once
again we sit by the fireside and await
the warm new days of the Spring to come.