Happy Holidays
Well here it is another year that is about gone from us! Just to think that nearly 365 days have come
and almost gone from our lives! Have you ever stopped and evaluated what you have done for GOD
in the past year? I sure have! I don't mean what we have given in monetary means because some
people do not have money to give away for anything but housing, food and bills! But have you ever
looked back and recalled what you did for another person?
This is taken from my latest book
"MY LIFE JOURNAL (From My Heart To Yours)"
How many people have you helped...maybe through a word or
something you may have done for someone?
Remember, that "YOU are Loved"!
Katie & Johnny
Re-copied for this site on Oct. 15, 2006.
Updated March 29, 2009
Music added May 4, 2007 for added pleasure.
GOD Bless Us Everyone!
Background & Bars by: FREE-GRAPHICS on the web
Page created by: Katie