Well Johnny got me a digital camera and just love it! I take the doggie 's pics and they run and play while I snap away! They like to show off and you will see them in action here! Talk about "camera hounds"! A little "play on words" there! I still have more in the camera to get on here and I will put them too and I can't wait til the baby comes in a few weeks! Well on with the show! Hope you enjoy them!

Here is Jude & Blue. He had just been biting her tail and I said: "Sit!" and took the pic. He looks like sugar wouldn't melt in his mouth, huh? Blue looks to be saying to Jude: "One more time buddy and powie right in the kisser!"

Here Pixie is mauling Blue and Blue looks like she is hugging her!

And on their trip outside, they just had to show off too!

And of course "begging" is their favourite past time! But they are so cute at it aren't they?  Jude even smiles for the camera. When he shows all his teeth in a BIG grin, he looks hilarious!

Here is Pixie and Mommy. If you have a heavy face, never look straight down at something or the double chin just ripples a triple under your neck! UGH!

Pixie looking up like a little poser! She is not camera shy in the least I tell you! 

Jude boy outside in the sun and posing for a quick shot!

Sara was looking up at Dad so her eyes kind of looks funny.. oh well you can't win'em all!

Here is one with SARA looking just like the caption reads, huh?

And some more outside fun doing one of their favourite things "SNOOPING"!  

Here is TEDDY. He is our Spitz and is going on 17 yrs. old! Still spry as a young pup too!

Here is another one of him.    All of the dogs seem to love having their picture taken and they are so good at posing for me! I mean like the one I took in Ohio here I mean who can get FIVE dogs to sit still and pose for a camera shot and not move! It is such a good one of all of them!

Here is me taking a "self- portrait shot" in the bathroom mirror. Johnny said I looked like I had an Orb on my head and I told him it was my halo. I had to straighten it up since it had tilted a bit! LOL! 

All pages designed and created by KATiesKREatiONS unless otherwise stated by said person.

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