Jan. 25, 1913 to Nov. 11, 1989
Oh Mother mine. The piece of my heart that has gone to heaven.
I miss you ever so much and it does not get easier as the years pass.
Just to sit with you one more time and look upon your sweet face and
to give you a tight hug and a tender kiss to show how much I love you,
is a wish that must take place sometime in the future for it can never be
as long as I live. So Mother, dear Mother, I look forward to the day
that I can once again be with you. This time in heaven for eternity.
Never more to be parted. To see you and Ellis and my other babies and
Daddy and Mamaw and Papaw and Bobbie & Nick, and so many
others are there that are waiting for me. So till then I say I love you
and ask JESUS to give you a big hug and kiss for me. Your youngest
one forever, Katie
"Love never disappears for death is a non-event.
I have merely retired to the room next door.
You and I are the same; what we were for each other we still are.
Speak to me as you always have, do not use a different tone, do not be sad.
Continue to laugh at what made us laugh. Smile and think of me.
Life means what it has always meant. The link is not severed.
Why should I be out of your soul if I am out of your sight?
I will wait for you, but just
on the other side of this path. You see all is well."
~ St. Augustine ~
Page & Graphics created
by Katie
IOWA--U. S. A.
Nov. 11, 2005