Whosoever unites themselves together, at that time, to
indeed listen and give attendance to the chronicles
and commandments of the foundation of the realm of
God, yet they are fallen without; abiding in the void
of no Understanding..also, they cease to know Wisdom,
turning away, as one when salvation comes to them,
think they have it all, just by being "in the family
of God"..and when this happens, the enemy, a very
evil and destructive person, who is united in ungodly
acts and is already condemned, runs after, (as in a
hunter's chase of game for food) consuming and
plucking away every bit of counsel which existed in
the very mind of this man..which was set forth to
become productive in the fellowship together, cleaving
unto God at this point; entered of his Own
understanding. This man came into existence in the
Kingdom by gathering and consuming on the well-trodden
path of the race of people..a nation that have customs
from Ancient Times..they have their traditions of
Old..their teachings of Antiquity are long past..as a
way of escape..sidling off, as an adversary. Not
willing to learn the right doctrine..but instead,
teach doctrines of men, not of GOD. This is the one
who hears the Word but has no Understanding of it and
the devil takes away what he has learned; this man is
asleep in the light. He is not watchful of his soul.
He has not learned the importance of being a guard or
a watchman over his own house. He believes everything
is going smooth, just because he is "saved" and knows
the "basics of salvation". He is not prudent to learn
the Wisdom of GOD's Understanding. He abides in his
dwelling, being content in the Void of No
Understanding. He does not STUDY to prove himself to
GOD, that he is a good workman who is worthy to be in
GOD'S employ(ment). The man who existed in a separate
place and gathered unto himself the kernels which were
separate from others.. those that were scattered
abroad in a foundation that is grounded in a ragged
rock, a very rough surface in which to lay your
strongholds..it is a very conspicuous dwelling,
because he has lifted himself up in pride, (as knowing
everything.. when he knows nothing)..in his mind, the
fortress of rock has been built. He has carefully
divided into a portion what God's commandments in the
Book of Life mean; and has enjoined himself with these
glad tidings that were published and immediately
accepted this Book of Wisdom with great rejoicing.
But, notwithstanding, he, being foolish, acted as a
degenerate person, delaying without, having no depth
within himself, to take hold into the soil and grow,
to bring forth fruit..he is not linked together with
God's Word..he is not grounded in his mind, nor in the
strength that he has within himself. He profits for a
time from his endurance, but only for a time of
duration, because it is terminated by his murmurings
and complainings when the time comes that he is
pursued by trouble an adversity..when these continue
and mount up, coming upon him by cause of the
commandments and counsel of God, sooner or later, he,
himself breaks away in revolt from Just Authority and
becomes licentious..having no moral restraint and
utter disregard for the strict rules of Correctness.
This is the man who receives his salvation with great
joy, but by his procrastination of studying to know
God, he, too, is uplifted in pride; thinking that he
has learned much, when he has only begun on the road
to Wisdom. When the troubles come with family and
friends, because of "his belief" in God's Word, when
he is mocked and ridiculed for what he once held close
to his heart, he begins complaining and then the enemy
enters with thoughts of "remembering the
good-old-days", when no one laughed at him and
everyone was "his friend". Then this man listens to
thoughts of the enemy, leaving behind any teaching of
sound doctrine he has learned, and becomes heathenish,
as backsliding and turning away from any correct
advice. This man has started to plow his field, but
has turned back to reconsider what he left
behind..therefore, he is not worthy of the realm of
God that he has tasted, to learn of. 

              There is also this certain man who takes hold of the                         scattered grains..the truths that are separated, by reason of
being severed; between piercings of brambles and
briers. He has enfolded these that were spread abroad
in bitterness of distress, in times of troubles. Words
that were truth in the beginning, and over a passing
of time, have become watered-down, being of no profit
to anyone. Like the salt that has lost it's savor..it
cannot flavor any food; this is the man that listens
as a witness to the message of advice, but also takes
refuge of safety in his own self, and the disguise of
hope of this desert that is his own wilderness..his
life glides swiftly; vanishing away in vanity and
pride and with the imposing delusion of betrayal by
gathering substance unto himself and collecting
unprofitable goods (that are eaten by moth, and taken
by thief, or that rust does corrupt); these, he
retains in his storehouse of concealed confusion; also
this man is existing for the cause of becoming barren
land and an unprofitable field of waste. This is the
man who listens to what the Word of God has to say,
but has no faith..only in himself; and this man is
cursed because he leans on his own flesh to be his


He has tended this field for many years. He has nourished it with
the seeds of flesh..pruning and ploughing and planting
and reaping in this garden of flesh; giving it
everything his eye desired and taking pleasure in
every lust the flesh wanted to know, and now his barns
are full to overflowing in the abundance of the works
of his flesh..but he has NOT laid up the unseen
treasures in the Kingdom of God, where it is preserved
for eternity unto the Father. He does not know that he
is a fool and that at an hour when he does not think
about, that the LORD of the Harvest will come with His
sickle for reaping in the fruits and his field is a
wasteland of barrenness and ruin. He has not put his
money..("himself") to usury to become productive and
fruitful for the Kingdom of God. Therefore the
branches that shoot forth from him are as an untimely
birth an unripe fruit..fit only to be hewn down and
cast into the fire that will burn forever.

In this parable of the SOWER, we learn that this is used in
singular sense. ONE SOWER. This has to be GOD..the
The ONE who plants HIS WORD in the minds of men. The
HIS LABOUR. Allowing the liars to grow up within the
truth of GOD'S WORD and in that day they will be
separated; for the TRUE WHEAT will have the SEAL OF
GOD upon their foreheads and the TARES (the false
grain) will be plucked up by the ROOT and cast into
the furnace, for they are "disguised as Christians"
and DO NOT have the SEAL OF GOD upon their foreheads.
They DO NOT EXIST in the MIND OF GOD and neither do
they KNOW HIM. Therefore they will be destroyed; both
BODY and SOUL cast into the Lake of Fire at JUDGMENT.
This is how different people hear the WORD of GOD and
why there are so many denominations; ALL PROFESSING
they have the truth...but, yet, they HATE their
brethren and the WORD tells us that "THE TRUTH IS NOT
IN THEM"; so, therefore, we should not listen to their
lies of deceit and trickery..for they can be ever so
cunning to ensnare us in their web of DEATH.

We must be WATCHMEN..ever guarding this STOREHOUSE that we
have entrusted to God. He told us to be WISE AS
having oil in our LAMPS, with WICKS trimmed and ready
to meet the BRIDEGROOM when HE calls; for we KNOW NOT
WHAT HOUR OUR LORD DOTH COME. So, be ye ready; be
fruitful in abundance of Godly fruits and multiply in
number the greatness of HIS works in you.

{ V. K. S. May 20, 1992 }
~Go forward with GOD...for with HIM
there's NO going backward~

This is called "breakdown" or defining the words in the Bible and their meanings and putting them into sentence form as the scripture is and the way it turns out sheds much light on the meaning of scriptures. The definitions are taken from Strong's Exhaustive Concordance with both the Hebrew and Greek definitions.
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one
day, because I don't want to live a day without you."
~~sometimes even the bad things have beauty in them~~