This page is in Memory of my brother and sister who have both gone on to be with JESUS.
~ Nicholas Delano Oliver and Roberta Sue Toney ~
GOD forever be with them and peace for their soul.
This is my brother,
Nicky & Jean (my oldest sister) way back in the early years! Must have been in
the late 40's or early 50's according to the way they look in this pic! He is
gone from us and Jean is now 70 years young and living in Arizona!
This is a later 1960's
pic, he had his nose broken in a fight! Poor guy was always getting into trouble
when he was younger!
Here is my sister
Bobbie and myself,
back on July
3, 1981. I was saying: "This is my big sis!" And they snapped the picture
and as usual I'm looking very silly!
Here is another
pic with
all of us together
taken back in 1983 in Oklahoma. Oh I do have some good memories of all of us having fun together when we lived there! I do have lots of other pics but not on the web for me to put up. I sure miss them! Time slips by and now it is 11 years that Bobbie has been gone and 7 years that Nick left this earth. It seems like yesterday when I look at these pictures that we were goofing around, and yet it seems like forever since I have seen their smiling faces! Some day soon I shall see them again in our FATHER'S Kingdom in Heaven and never part again! I love you and miss both of you very much! I wish we could have had more time together, but life is life and it could not be changed. Katie
"Love never disappears for death is a non-event.
I have merely retired to the room next door.
You and I are the same; what we were for each other we still are.
Speak to me as you always have, do not use a different tone, do not be sad.
Continue to laugh at what made us laugh. Smile and think of me.
Life means what it has always meant. The link is not severed.
Why should I be out of your soul if I am out of your sight?
I will wait for you, but just
on the other side of this path. You see all is well."
~ St. Augustine ~
Page designed an created on June 20, 2005 by:
of KATies-KREatiONS
Page updated Nov. 12, 2005
IOWA--U. S. A.